
About the National Coalition For Mental Wellbeing​

Initiated by Rotary Malaysia in August 2020, members of NCMW are like-minded organisations, institutions and professionals brought together to a common platform to provide sustainable solutions to the possible long-term mental health impact of Covid-19 among children, youth to the elderly, from homemakers to the workforce.

The aim of the National Coalition for Mental Wellbeing is to establish a centralised visible leadership to provide strategic guidance through co-ordinated efforts and disseminating information in the context of mainstreaming mental health issues.

Our strength relies on the diversity of people, ideas, perspectives, vocations and professional backgrounds in pursuit of mutual goals.


Promote mental health initiatives through education, support and advocacy


To support the community with better understanding of mental health, provide resources and learning opportunities for early intervention and advocate improved support for mental health care.

Core Values

Create relevance in our initiatives. Leverage on collective capabilities
Value the dignity of others.